Sunday, September 14, 2014

Trade Run Quest for Haranyan

-First post 09-14-2014
-Updated 10-17-2014

This is the start quest line that will give you a Donkey, experience, money, Gilda Stars and a 16X16 meter Scarecrow.

10. "Trade Run: Arcum Iris to Falcorth" given by [Blue Salt Brotherhood] Trading Guide Sahei close to public farm near Anvilton. Deliver back to him on completion of the quest.

-Tips-  Exit the map south to Arcum Iris, heading to the quest marker. There is a housing area surrounding the specialty workbench there.

1. Make Arcum Iris Lavaspice.
-Buy and plant 13-18 azalea seeds from "Seed Merchant"; mostly get 3-4 per harvest
-Buy and plant 15-21 turmeric seeds; be aware that these tend to like arid climates, may get  less per harvest
-Water them by pressing "F"
-Harvest; be sure waited till fully matured and no longer say "small"
-Buy 5 Blue Salt Knives from general merchant.

2. Get a head start on the next quest.
-Buy and plant 6-7 barley seeds from Seed Merchant
-Buy and plant 10-15 mushroom seeds from Seed Merchant
-Don't forget to water them
-Buy and plant 5 Goslings(Livestock Merchant)
-Or simply just purchase from auctioneer; 50 Medicinal Powders and 30 Goose down

3. Craft your pack
-Don't forget to buy a Quality Certificate from General Merchant.

Important: Do not miss the carriage!!!! it's a long way to walk or ride

Specialty Workbench

11. "Trade Run: Falcorth to Widesleeves" given by [Blue Salt Brotherhood] Trading Guide Sahei close to public farm near Anvilton. Deliver back to him on completion of the quest.

-Tips-This is the quest that get your own donkey

1. Gather your Snowlion Yarn components.
-Harvest your fully matured barley and mushrooms
-Buy 2 Blue Salt Knives and right-click the barley in your bag to get Ground Grain
-When your geese have matured, press ""Hay Bale Icon" or F" to feed them the Ground Grain
-Shear them by clicking the "scissors icon" or "F" 
-Buy 4 Blue Salt Knives and right-click on "Mushrooms" to get "Medicinal Powder"
-Buy 5  Blue Salt Knives from general merchant.

2. Make Falcorth Snowlion Yarn
-Don't forget to buy a Quality Certificate
-Craft your pack at the Specialty Workbench
-Head back to the nearest carriage

3. Let me ride that donkey
-Head to the Anvilton Stables.
-Buy a Vita Seed from Stablehand.
-Plant and water the seed.
-Harvest the Vita Root when it matures.
-Plant your donkey in stable areas, and keep interacting with it as prompted until fully  matured.

12. "Trade Run: Tigerspine to Austera" given by [Blue Salt Brotherhood] Trading Guide Sahei close to public far near Anvilton. Deliver back to him on completion of the quest.

-Tips-This is the quest that get you a donkey

1. Planting time
-Buy and plant 5-8 Grapevines (Sapling Merchant)
-Buy and plant 20-23 Potato Seeds (Seed Merchant)
-Water the potatoes
-Or simply buy all requirements from auction

2. Get a headstart on the next quest
-Buy and plant 4-5 Banana Sapling (Sapling Merchant)
-Buy and plant 20-23 Potato Seeds (Seed Merchant)
-Or simply buy all from auction, money talks

3. Craft your Grape Jam pack
-Harvest your grapes by clicking the apple icon
-Buy 5 Blue Salt Knives and a Quality Certificate to make "Chopped Produce"
-Craft the pack at the specialty workbench in Anvilton

13. "Trade Run: Mahadevi to Solzreed" given by [Blue Salt Brotherhood] Trading Guide Sahei close to public far near Anvilton. Deliver back to him on completion of the quest.

-Tips-This is the quest that get your own donkey

Important: Don't cut your Banana Tress down until the whole quest is done. Since this quest takes you to areas where run into PVP, keep your trees alive for now. If you die too far from the turn-in, other players will be able to take your pack and you'll need to make another one.

1. Decide how to get there
-Swim; slow as hell and and likely run into level 35 to 50 sea creatures. Not a good idea.
-Get your rowboat and row; still slow and likely PVP fodder. It's up to you to try it but not  recommended.
-Group and use a larger ship; faster and safe.

2. Craft Mahadevi Elephant Cookies pack
-Harvest your potatoes
-Harvest your 10 bananas by clicking the apple icon when they are "Fruited"
-Buy 5 Blue Salt Knives and a Quality Certificate
-Follow quest marker to Mahadevi and craft your pack. It only can be crafted there

Go to "Scarecrow Quest" beginning
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