Sunday, September 14, 2014

10. Trade Run: Arcum Iris to Falcorth

Introduction to how trading and specialty goods work, how to craft them and learning the trade routes. How you can earn Glida Starts, gold and resources with trade packs

-Tips- Open map by pressing "M". Open Infrastructure and tick it on: make sure Specialty Workbenches is ticked on. Also make sure under Icons you have transportation ticked on. Then go to Merchants tick and it on: tick on Gold Trader and Item Trader.

Now you will always see the Traders and Specialty Workbenches on your map when you do trade runs as well as any available transportation there.

-Press "O" > Commerce > Haranya Specialty, here you can see all of the trade packs, where you can craft them and the materials needed. The name in front of the pack indicates the zone it needs to be crafted in

Now you also want to know what percentage price you will be getting for your packs press the following button which can be found in the bottom right of your UI. If nobody has delivered in a similar pack to you recently then you will get 130% of the normal price for your trade pack. If there are many others trading in the same packs, which is typical for the first few trade pack quests, then you will get a lower price for your pack.


Craft Arcum iris Lavaspice in Arcum Iris and take it to the Oxion Clan on Falcorth Plains. You may exchange it for Gold at a Gold Trader.

Collect enough flowers to make Dried Flowers. Then combine the Dried Flowers, Turmeric and a Quality Certificate at an Arcum Iris Specialty Workbench to create Arcum Iris Lavaspice.

-Craft Arcum Iris Lavaspice 0/1
-Deliver Arcum Iris Lavaspice to a Gold Trader at the Oxion Clan in Falcorth Plains


XP 1440
Coins 2 Sil 54 cop

Next Quest : Trade Run: Falcorth to Widesleeves

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