Saturday, September 27, 2014

Scarecrow Quest for Haranya


Important: You must be at least Level 10 to start this chain-quest.

start with picking up the quest line at the Blue Salt Brotherhood Merchant Recruiter in Haranya, you will find one close to the public farm in Tigerspine Mountain, close to Anvilton. This is the start of a fairly long quest line that will give you a 8×8 meter Scarecrow, a Donkey, experience, money, Gilda Stars and a 16×16 meter Scarecrow.

1 A. Quest (Firran): "Mutual Benefit" given by Mechanical Engineer Voulge in Falcorth Plains and deliver to Blue Salt Brotherhood Merchant Recruiter close to the public farm near Anvilton in Tigerspine Mountain

1 B. Quest (Haranya): "Introducing the Blue Salt Brotherhood" given by Jevon in Windsleeves Arcrum Iris and d
eliver to the Blue Salt Brotherhood Merchant Recruiter close to public farm near Anvilton, Tigerspine Mountain.

2. "A Farming Necessity" given by Blue Salt Brotherhood Merchant Recruiter close to public farm near Anvilton. Deliver back to same NPC.

-Tips- The water well is close to the Recruiter. Draw water by pressing "F", then done. (Get 5 water)

3. "Caring for Corn" given by the same Merchant Recruiter NPC close nearby Anvilton. Use the water on the Waxy Corn Seedings.

4. "Planting Potatoes" given by the same Merchant Recruiter NPC close nearby Anvilton. Deliver back to same NPC.

-Tips- Go to Seed Merchant Nuhan, he is close nearby the Recruiter, buy one Potato Eye. Then enter the public farm to find free spot and right-click on Potate Eye in your inventory. Double left-click to plant anywhere you want. When the mature time is up, press "F" for watering.

5. "Meeting the Daru" given by the same Merchant Recruiter NPC close nearby Anvilton. Deliver to Mirage Isle Auctioneer Daru.

-Tips- Go to the closest Daru on the map, shown by a red quest tracker, deliver the quest to the Daru. (Daru is the blue guy standing by Mirage isle Portal, located southwest).

6. "Strange Traders" given by the Mirage Isle Auctioneer Daru. Deliver to the Blue Salt Brotherhood Merchant Recruiter close to public farm near Anvilton.

-Tips- Simply back to the Blue Salt Brotherhood Merchant Recruiter close to public farm near Anvilton.

7. "A Garden of Your Own" given by same Merchant Recruiter NPC close to public farm near Anvilton. Deliver back to same NPC.

-Tips- Receive the quest from the Recruiter and deliver it to him again. Quest complete and you are now the owner of your very first 8×8 Scarecrow garden!

8. "Placing your gardengiven by the same Merchant Recruiter NPC close nearby Anvilton. Deliver to Sapling Merchant Josiah in the housing area south of Anvilton.

-Tips- Just follow the quest tracker on your map, he is close to the housing area close by and talk to Sapling Merchant Josiah. Then go back to the Blue Salt Brotherhood Merchant Recruiter close to public farm near Anvilton again and complete the quest there.

9. "Master of Trade" given by the same Merchant Recruiter NPC close nearby Anvilton. Deliver to the Blue Salt Brotherhood Trading Guide Sahel close to public farm near Anvilton on completion of the quest.

Small scarecrow farm (8X8) quest is done so far. Next is Trade Run chain-quest to get a donkey and bigger scarecrow farm (16X16).

Click Next Quest: Trade Run 

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