Monday, September 29, 2014

Enchant Lunastone (Lunadrop)

How To Enchant Lunastone


How to get it?

They will be randomly found from Coinpurse 

How to use lunastone?

Tried first time with right-click but seems not working, maybe bugged. Again doubled right-click worked and since then just one right-click works. Once "Regrade Item" popped up, it's hard to place your armor in "Equipment Item", so please move your armor to inventory first.
(somehow you can't enchant in "housing area" or "town, only can be enchated in field!!!!)

Lunagems will be placed in socket but lunastones not. After enchant lunastone, you will see on your armor stat is now changed (look at green letters on your armor stat)

Only one lunastone can be enchanted per armor so if you try second lunastone on enchanted-armor, armor stat will be changed to new lunastone's attribute. 

There are better and more lunastones (lunadrop) in Archeage but will be updated later on, whenever found.

1. Once right-click on lunastone you want to enchant in your inventory, there is a pop-up.

2. Place your armor on "Equipment Item", then press "Equip"

3. Move your mouse cursor to see it

It looks little blurry but you will be able to see "Agility + 1" is shown up on armor stat

Basic Faint Element Lunadrop (able to get it from coinpurse)

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