Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Sapling Merchant


Craft - Logging, Gathering, Alchemy
Farmer's Workstation - Logging, Gathering
MerchantSeed Merchant (Medicinal Powder)Sapling Merchant, General Merchant (Blue Salt Knife),
Sapling Merchant (Subject) - Aquatic Crops, Orchard Puree, Medicinal Powder

"Saplling Merchant" can be found mostly any near housing province or farm, or simply mark on your map "Saplings" under "Merchants" section (Don't forget to check off on Merchant in your map, otherwise it won't be seen in map)

Click images to enlarge

All trees are mainly for "Logging" and "Gathering". Since all trees can be cut down, all belong to logging but some tree can be acquired some leaves and fruits so that you can get your proficiency on logging and gathering.

"Sapling Merchant" carries saplings for 3 major groups"Aquatic CropsOrchard Puree"Medicinal Powder"

1. "Aquatic Crops"
-Red Coral Polyp
-Green Coral Polyp
-Orange Plate Coral Polyp
-Yellow Plate coral Polyp
-Antler Coral Polyp
-Pearl Oyster
-White Coral Polyp
-Blue Coral Polyp
Lists above effect on Gathering Proficiency
Lists below effect on Gathering Proficiency also but separated for 2 groups.
Fruits that can make "Orchard Puree"
Leaves that can make "Medicinal Powder"

2. "Orchard Puree"
-Apple (Apple Sapling)
-Acorns (Oak Sapling)
-Olive (Olive Sapling)
-Lemon (Lemon Sapling)
-Grape (Grapevine Sapling)
-Fig (Fig Sapling)
-Jujube (Jujube Sapling)
-Pomegranate (Pomegranate Sapling)
-Cherry (Cherry Sapling)
-Orange (Orange Sapling)
-Moringa Berry (Moringa Sapling)
-Banana (Banana Sapling)
-Avocado (Avocado Sapling)
3. "Medicinal Powder"

-Bay Leaf (Bay Sapling)
-Ginkgo Leaf (Ginkgo Sapling)

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